Last edited 3 years ago


1. Usage

The PublicationRequestId template is used to store, in a page, the date and the identifier (ID) of the last publication request (PR) done to the technical writer team, through the technical literature management system (TLMS), for publishing this page. It should be added at the bottom of the page for which a PR has been done.

It puts a message box with a "light blue checked document" icon in the page.

Only signed-up users who have writing permissions, can see this box. However, do not put any confidential information in the parameters of this template.

Usage: {{PublicationRequestId | <TLMS PR ID> | <date> | <comment>}}


  • <TLMS PR ID> is the mandatory identifier of the publication request done in the TLMS
    • Auto is a special value for this parameter to indicate that the page has been automatically approved (no TLMS PR ID)
  • <date> is the date of the request in the YYYY-MM-DD format. It is a mandatory parameter, except if <TLMS PR ID> is Auto
  • <comment> is an optional comment. It is recommended to use this parameter to indicate at least the name of the technical writer who made the review

2. Basic examples

You type You get
Publication request: TLMS PR ID and date supplied
{{PublicationRequestId | 12345 | 2019-05-09 | AnneJ}}
Publication request: TLMS PR ID set with "Auto" and comment supplied
{{PublicationRequestId | Auto |  | Automatic approval based on the “Category model” article}}

3. More examples

You type You get
Publication request: no TLMS PR ID supplied, no date supplied
Publication request: TLMS PR ID supplied, no date supplied
{{PublicationRequestId | 12345}}
Publication request: no TLMS PR ID supplied, date supplied
{{PublicationRequestId | | 2019-05-09}}
Publication request: TLMS PR ID supplied, date supplied, comment supplied
{{PublicationRequestId | 12345 | 2019-05-09 | AnneJ. Comment about this PR}}
Publication request: TLMS PR ID set with "Auto", no comment supplied
{{PublicationRequestId | Auto}}

4. Code

No categories assignedEdit