How to start with CCB KW ECDSA Signature on STM32U3

How to start with Coupling Chaining Bridge with Key Wrapped for an ECDSA Signature example on STM32U3Clock.png85min


  • RM0487 STM32U3 Reference Manual
  • UM2237 STM32CubeProgrammer software description
  • AN5054 Secure programming using STM32CubeProgrammer
  • AN2606 STM32 microcontroller system memory boot mode
  • AN6205 Introduction to the use of PKA Key wrapping
  • It is advised to read the STM32U3 reference manual chapter dedicated to the Coupling and Chaining Bridge (CCB)

Target description

The purpose of this article is to provide an example of use case involving the CCB feature.
The provided example is using the STM32U385 Nucleo board, device embedding hardware cryptographic accelerators.


Through this practical example, the user will learn how to:

  • Use an application provided in the MbedTLS_HW_KWE of STM32Cube_FW_U3.
  • Wrap the private key
  • Perform a digital signature of a message using the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) and the wrapped private key.
  • To modify the application to generate a public key from a wrapped private key. To use this computed public key to verify the signature

All the steps using the hidden (wrapped) private key is implicitly involving the embedded hardware CCB.

  • Note: this provided code is an example and needs to be adapted for a commercial product. For instance, the protection of the embedded flash and RAM needs to be implemented.


  • Hardware
    • U385RG-Q Nucleo board (MB1841)
Figure 1 Nucleo board STM32U385

Note: to run this example, a device supporting Hardware Crypto accelerator is requested (STM32U385)

  • Required tools
    • STM32Cube_FW_U3_V1.0.0 [1] or upper
    • IAR Embedded Workbench rev 9.20.1 + patch STM32U37x-38x
      • The patch is available in the STM32CubeFW: STM32Cube_FW_U3_Vx.x.x\Utilities\PC_Software
  • Environment setup
    • Download the STM32CubeU3 package and install it
Warning white.png Warning
Place STM32CubeFW_U3 Cube firmware close to the C: root to avoid a long Windows® path.
  • A directory NUCLEO-STM32U385RG-Q is included in the CubeFW Projects directory.
The Applications\MbedTLS_HW_KWE directory contains the different application examples using wrapped keys.
Figure 2 STM32Cube_FW_U3

1. Execution of the ECC_ECDSA_Sign_KWE application example

The following example is shown for IAR Embedded Workbench. But it is applicable for the other supported tool chains.

  • Open the ECC_ECDSA_Sign_KWE example.
    • The firmware is available at: STM32Cube_FW_U3_Vx.x.x\Projects\NUCLEO-U385RG-Q\Applications\MbedTLS_HW_KWE\ECC_ECDSA_Sign_KWE
  • STM32U385RG should be automatically selected in the product option (see figure below)
    • For IAR: menu: Project -> Option -> General Option
    • If it's not the case please check if your IDE version is supporting this product or if the STM32U3 patch is correctly installed (see prerequisites at the beginning of this article)
Figure 3 General option product selection
  • To run this example instruction after instruction it is advised to change the optimization to "none", as shown in the figure below:
Figure 4 Compilation optimization setting

  • Compile the project: Project -> Rebuild All
  • Connect the Nucleo and start the debug session.
Figure 5 IAR debug session

  • Do a step by step execution to follow the explanations below.

1.1. ECDSA configuration

After initialization of the HAL, the clocks and the BSP, the configuration of the ECDSA is done through the key_attributes structure.

Figure 6 ECDSA configuration, elliptic curve selection (main.c)
  • The digital signature is done through signing the generated Hash of the input message; selected with attribute: PSA_KEY_USAGE_SIGN_HASH.
  • ECDSA signature is selected with attribute: PSA_ALG_ECDSA(PSA_ALG_SHA_224)
    • Different possible Hashing algorithms are supported, for this example SHA2-224 is chosen, generating a fixed length 224 bits hash.
  • In this example a pair of keys is used, one private (to sign) and one public (to verify the signature), selected with attribute: PSA_KEY_TYPE_ECC_KEY_PAIR
    • The argument PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECP_R1 defines the family of the chosen elliptic curve.
  • The size of the private key is defining which curve of this family is selected (256 bits for this example, see main.c, Private_Key declaration).
    • Resulting in elliptic curve secp256r1.

1.2. Private key configuration and private key wrapping using CCB

The figure below shows the setting of the private key.
The CCB (Coupling Chaining Bridge) embedded hardware IP is implicitly used to wrap the key
The CCB is using different hardware IPs: the Random Number Generator (RNG), Public Key Accelerator (PKA) and Secure AES co-processor (SAES).
But all the operation are hidden by the CBB.

Figure 7 Private key configuration and wrapping
  • PSA_KEY_PERSISTENCE_DEFAULT: defines that the private key is stored in the embedded flash and under which condition the key can be destroyed.
  • PSA_CRYPTO_KWE_DRIVER_LOCATION: driver using the CCB to wrap the private key (wrapped with the Derived Hardware Unique Key (DHUK) making the wrapped key only usable on this specific device)
  • When line 170 is reached
    • Add to watch: "key_attributes", "Private_Key", "sizeof(Private_Key)" and "key_handle_private"

Figure 8 Private key attributes set

  • The "key_attributes" contains the private key settings.
  • The "Private_Key" is defined as a constant declaration in the main.c, 32x8bits => 256bits
Note: the "Public_Key" is defined as a constant declaration in the main.c (X and Y coordinates of the public key point on the elliptic curve).
  • The key_handle_private is the handler containing all the needed information for the private key.
    • Note that this handler is located in SRAM at the address 0x2000 A638 (see watch window in the figure above)."
  • The private key attributes are not needed anymore, so the structure can be cleared as shown in the figure below.
Figure 9 Reset of the private key attributes
  • It can be observed in the watch window, that the key_attributes values are removed.

1.3. Computing the HASH of the message and perform the digital signature

The next step is the generation of the digest of the message and to sign this digest.

1.3.1. Message Hashing

The digest algorithm used in this example is the SHA2-224 hashing algorithm.

Figure 10 Hashing of the message

  • When line 191 is reached
    • Right click on Message and select Add to Watch
    • Do the same for sizeof(Message), Computed_Hash and sizeof(Computed_Hash)
  • In the watch window the input message is displayed as defined at line 62. The message size is 1024 bits (128 x 8)
  • The generated Hash can also be seen. The Hash size is 224 bits (28 x 8).
    • Note: the Hash length will always be 224, this for any input message length (also message lengths smaller than 224 bits)

1.3.2. Digital signature of the generated Hash

The ECDSA algorithm is used to perform the encryption of the Hash.
The secp256r1 curve is used, curve that has been defined during the private key configuration and wrapping.

Reminder: the basic principle is based on a key pair. One key used to sign (the private key, kept secret) and one key to verify the signature (the public key, not secret, distributed in clear). The used algorithm, the used elliptic curve, all the parameters and the public key are all pubic. The only secret is the private key. It is obviously very important to protect this private key against attacks.
  • The role of the CCB, implicitly used in this example, is to keep the private key hidden to the user and the CPU (wrapped key)

Figure 11 Digital signature of the Hash
  • When line 220 is reached
    • Right click on Computed_Signature and select Add to Watch
    • Do the same for sizeof(Computed_Signature),
  • You can observe the value of the signature result.
Note: you can note that every code execution creates another signature results completely different, even with the same input message and applied parameters and algorithm. A random number is generated at every run (see explanations in introduction article).

This completes the digital signature process.

1.4. Digital signature verification

When a signed message is received, the digital signature verification ensures that the message has been issued by the correct author and that the message has not been modified (authenticity and integrity).

  • Reminder:
    • The signed hash with the private key of the author can only be verified with the public key provided by this author.
    • The public key is generated by the author and is directly linked to his private key.

The figure below shows the configuration for the public key

Figure 12 Digital signature of the Hash
  • Note:
    • For this example, the public key is defined as a constant and stored in the flash at location 0x801 27C4.
    • The key_handle_public is located in the RAM at address 0x2000 A63C.
    • How to generate the public key is shown later in this article.

The figure below shows the code used to verify the digital signature.

Figure 13 Digital signature verification
  • For the verification the above command is performing following operations:
    • The Computed_Signature and the public key are used to retrieve the Hash.
    • The "Hash" retrieved from the signature is compared with the "Computed_Hash"
    • If the two Hashes are identical, the signature is verified.
      • Only the private key (secret) of the owner can have been used to sign the message Hash (since only the related public key can verify it).
      • Only the owner of the private key is able to generate the public key that is used for the signature verification.
  • The remaining steps of this example code are deletion of some sensitive data.
  • The green LED will be switched ON if all the operations have performed successfully.

2. Rerun of the example with more in deep analysis of some points

The previous chapter has given an overview of all the operations performed in this example.
A more in deep analysis of some executed steps is explained in the following sections.

  • Reset and restart the code execution.

2.1. Private key wrapping

  • Open the kwe_core.c and set the breakpoints as indicated in the figure below.
    • Middlewares/ST/kwe_core.c
  • Open the psa_crypot.c and set the breakpoint as indicated in the figure.
    • Middlewares/mbedtls/psa_crypto.c

Figure 14 Private key wrapping breakpoints to set
  • Execute the code till the first breakpoint.
  • Open a memory watch window and enter the address 0x2000AC58 (View -> Memory -> Memory 1 ).
Figure 15 Private key stored in RAM
  • The figure above shows the 32 bytes of the private key temporarily stored in the embedded RAM.
    • Note: the private key copy in RAM is optional since this key is already available in flash. This is a generic example since for some use cases this copy can be useful.
    • Note: in case the indicated RAM address is different in your use case, check the figure below where the memory allocation is done in the psa_crypto.c (buffer).
Figure 16 Private Key RAM allocation
  • Add to watch ecdsa_blob (64 bytes)
    • IV (Initialization Vector), 16 bytes
    • Tag 16 bytes
    • Wrapped key 32 bytes
  • Execute the code till the second break point.
  • In the memory watch window enter the address indicated in the IV (in this example 0x2000 AC80).
Figure 17 Private key wrapping and storage in embedded RAM
  • The memory window shows the wrapped private key stored in the embedded RAM.
  • Note:
The wrapped key is different for every device since it is depending on the RHUK (Root Hardware Unique Key) that is different for every device.
And the wrapped key is also different for every key wrapping, so if you run twice the code the obtained result is different.
  • ecdsa_blob, some explanations:
    • pIV: the key wrapping mechanism is using AES-GCM (Advanced Encryption Standard, Galois Counter Mode) requiring an initialization vector.
    • pTag: allows to verify the authenticity of the key during the unwrap process. During the key wrap, the HW generates a specific tag related to the key and the IV. During the unwrap the hardware generates a tag related to the key and the software. Comparision of these two tags allows to verify the authenticity of the key.
  • Execute the code till the third breakpoint set previously.
  • Add a memory watch window and display address 0x080FC034.
  • Make a "Step over" to execute the command.
Figure 18 Wrapped private key storage in Flash
  • In the figure above, it can be seen that the wrapped key has been stored in the embedded flash memory.
    • The reason is that the key has been defined as persistent.
  • Set a breakpoint in the main as indicated in the figure below
Figure 19 Breakpoint setting for private key destruction
  • Execute the code till the newly set breakpoint.
  • Make a "Step over" to execute the command.
Figure 20 Private key removal from RAM and wrapped private key removal
  • The figure above shows:
    • The private key has been erased and some RAM locations have already been reused for other purposes.
    • That the wrapped private key has been removed from the embedded Flash and RAM location.

3. Modification of the provided example

It is advised to copy the directory ECC_ECDSA_Sign_KWE before modifying the example.

3.1. Generation of the public key from the wrapped private key

In the previous handsons, the public key was already generated and defined as a constant.

  • With the following code modifications:
    • The public key is generated from the wrapped private key.
    • The generated public key is used to verify the signature.

3.1.1. Heap size increase

The generated public key requires some additional memory allocation.

  • Increase the heap size
    • Project -> Option -> Linker -> Stack/Heap Sizes : increase the heap to 0x1400 (see figure below)
Figure 21 Heap size increase

3.1.2. New private variable and comment out of the old public key constant

  • Define a new private variable for the computed public key
Figure 22 New variable for the computed public key
  • Copy and paste the following:
uint8_t Computed_Pub_Key[65];
  • Comment out the public key constant.
Figure 23 Comment out the old pubkey constant

3.1.3. Public generation from the wrapped private key and replacement to use this computed public key

  • Add the following code to generate the public key from the wrapped private key
Figure 24 Public key generation from wrapped private key
  • Copy and paste the following code:
  /* Export the public key from the wrapped private key */
 retval = psa_export_public_key(key_handle_private, Computed_Pub_Key, sizeof(Computed_Pub_Key), &computed_size);
 if (retval != PSA_SUCCESS)
  • Add the following instruction to replace the public key previously defined as a constant.
Figure 25 Import the generated public key

3.1.4. Code execution with public key generation from the wrapped private key

  • Compile the full project and set the following break points.
Security Pubkey gen break point.png
Figure 26 Break points setting
  • Execute till the first break point.
  • "Add to watch" the Computed_Pub_key.
  • Execute a " step over " and check the generated public key.
Figure 27 Generated public key
  • Compare the generated public key with the public key previously defined as a constant and that has been commented out.
  • Execute a "step over" and check that the code execution is not entering into the "Error_Handler".
  • Execute till the second break point where the signature is verified using the computed public key.
  • Execute a "step over" and verify that the code execution is not entering into the "Error Handler".
  • Execute the code till the end, if the green led is ON and not blinking the complete code has been executed and the signature has been verified successfully

3.2. Appendix

3.2.1. Elliptic curve parameters

  • Open the ecp_curves.c file (located in the Middlewares -> mbedtls folder)
  • The different parameters of the curves are defined in this file.
    • For instance for the secp256r1 curve as shown in the figure below
Figure 28 p256r1 curve parameters
  • Curve parameters:
    • a & b: constants for the curve equation
      • a: is defined as p-3, see RM0487 chapter "Supported elliptic curves".
    • n: order of the curve, number of points on the curve
    • p: large prime number specific to the curve modulo operations. It keeps all calculation results within a specific range.
    • G: generator point, fixed defined starting point (starting point for the points additions)

Note: the recommended values for the elliptic curves are defined in the SEC2 document:
The endianness of the parameters in the SEC2 file and in the ecp_curves.c are inversed.

Note: for the 16 fixed point defined in the ecp_curves.c file used to speed up the point addition calculation (MBEDTLS_ECP_FIXED_POINT_OPTIM == 1) see explanations in

4. References